With an increasing list of whiskies having been sampled at the Southside Whisky Club as well as a growing personal sample collection, keeping a record of whiskies becomes more useful – mostly just as a memory aid. Obviously the following works equally for any collection of things you may have..
In this case, it’s pretty standard tabular data albeit with a variety of datatypes. After a quick look through various JavaScript libraries that might do the job, I settled on tablesorter.

You can add a whole lot of functionality
It’s light and powerful, with a pretty impressive built-in interpretation of datatypes. You might need to fiddle around a little bit (with date formats, for example), but if you have the time, you can create all sorts of custom processing.

The end result is a simple, sortable online table
Anyway, I didn’t need to do that. Just the odd fiddle to make things work how I’d expect. Check out the results here. NB you can order any column by clicking on the column title, and holding shift allows a multi-column sort. The table won’t be massively usable on a mobile due to screen size, but there’s not a great deal you can do about that with this many columns.

So, there you have it. A simple, easy-to-use way to use tabular data online. This is all hooked into a database so will keep updated over time, and wasn’t complicated to do. I now use it pretty frequently to find whiskies, organise by region etc – pretty useful.